Friends of the Conant Public Library



Join the Friends


Please join us!

The Friends of the Conant Public Library support critical library programs.

Basic memberships are only $15.

Membership Levels:

Patron ($100 or greater)

Sponsor ($26 to $99)

Friend ($15 to $25)


Your name will be displayed on our "Thank You" poster in the library.  If you prefer it not be displayed please email us at and let us know. If you're interested in volunteer opportunities with the Friends please email us at

Click here to download a membership form

Thank you!


If you'd like to join using Paypal please do so here:

Friends of the Library FAQ


Q. Who are the Friends of the Library?

A. The Friends of the Library is a non-profit organization that supports the Library, its staff and patrons. Members are residents of the surrounding towns who appreciate our Library and care about its future well being.


Q. What do Friends do?

A. Friends raise money through membership dues and various fundraisers in order to purchase equipment and furnishings for the Library, increase the annual book purchase budgets, provide special programs such as the young children's programs and museum passes.

Q. How do Friends raise needed funds?

A. Friends uses a number of vehicles to raise funds. The most important are membership dues from new and renewal memberships and an annual fundraiser.


Q. How can you help?

A. Friends encourages contributing your financial resources through your patron, sponsor or friends membership as tax dollars are not always sufficient to do everything the Library needs to accomplish. But more importantly, Friends needs people to bring their time, talent and ideas to the various committees that do the work of the Friends or volunteer to help for specific activities.


Q. When do the Friends meet?

A. The second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm at the library.

Q. How can I contact the Friends?
